Unique solutions
for WordPress

Custom WordPress Solutions for Affiliate Marketing

Some info about our company, but mostly about the WordPress sites we love to build, promote in search engines, monetize and improve.

The day came when we joined forces to present our skills as an agency for WordPress websites.

What is it all about?

In this blog, we’ll share with you information about our company, our unique developments, our approaches and principles, we’ll share ready-to-use solutions, we’ll share with you important news from the world of website development, promotion and monetization.

There are still things on the site that are being added, developed, written. Very soon, there will be an affiliate program feature so you can share links to our site and earn commission on orders placed for customers you’ve referred (and see all the stats needed for a partner). We’re also working on SEO optimization of the site, speed improvements and other important things that will attract traffic.

One of our fundamental principles is transparency. That’s why we’re happy to tell you about our results, our gains and our losses (if any). Experience is something that costs time and money, but it’s also something that can be shared with others: partners, customers, competitors.

We’re all for a better, more convenient Internet, and we’d love to talk about it wherever we can.

A common error on WordPress sites

For example, the most common mistake we come across when analyzing websites is the total ignoring of loading speed. Years ago, this wasn’t such an important parameter in promotion, and many sites continue to receive traffic despite the lack of optimization, but, unfortunately, it’s only a matter of time before competitors overtake these sites in the search results, because usability and page loading speed on different devices are no less important parameters for search engines than the quality of the response to a user’s request.

In most cases, it’s not very difficult to correct. Especially since Google, for example, not only gives you the opportunity to analyze your site according to various criteria influencing the evaluation of usability and speed, but also gives you recommendations on how to correct it. You can carry them out with the help of your in-house staff or call in the professionals, but it really makes sense to do so, because not only will you protect yourself from your competitors, but you’ll also bypass competition from other sites, i.e. you’ll get additional traffic and new customers. You can check your site with PageSpeed Insights.

We’ll be covering all aspects of speed and convenience optimization in future articles and in other sections of our library, but for now, I suggest you take a look at our current services. That way, you’ll know which questions you can contact us about, and which ones you should avoid (just kidding… almost).

Custom solutions with WordPress

The first thing, and our favorite, is the development of off-commn soltions for WordPress, which has long been more than just a CMS for creating a personal blog.

Around half of all websites have this system under the hood, and these are the most diverse sites. And what’s important is that, with the right approach, you can develop just about anything you want. There’s no question of limiting yourself!

For example, we have repeatedly implemented various systems such as CRM, an affiliate network engine to manage interaction between partners, advertisers and traffic tracking and analysis. Not to mention multi-functional portals that bring tens of thousands of visitors from search engines to their owners, with different types of pages, personal accounts and various non-standard solutions. And all this with WordPress.

It’s important to understand that only imagination and logic can limit you in creating a solution that’s directly adapted to YOUR tasks, and that there’s no need to compromise. For our part, we can help you realize such solutions, and we’re happy to do so, because we like to create something new and truly useful.

You can find out more about custom development for WordPress on the relevant page. In the future, we’ll be sure to publish case studies on our blog about how this or that solution has helped website owners achieve more (sign up to our newsletter).

Development of specific sites on WordPress

Every developer is specialized in a particular field. This applies not only to programming languages, frameworks and code-building principles, but also to the types of site and often even the areas that have been encountered most often and in which they therefore have the most experience and expertise.

Our team embarked on custom development through our own projects. When it became clear that the results we were achieving could be desired by others. And all our in-house projects target search engine traffic and monetization through advertising/services, mainly through the native approach and recommendations. Thanks to our experience with passive income, we’ve developed a kind of laziness, in the good sense of the word.

We try to create solutions that don’t need to be rethought, that can be scaled up, that deliver predictable results, and that take a minimum of time to implement.

And most of these solutions relate to site types such as content sites (blogs, news sites, magazines), rating and review sites, communities and everything in between. Of course, we’ve built many corporate sites, but even here we’re guided by our promotion and conversion approaches, and we try to use tried-and-tested solutions and developments that have already been completed, enabling us to create these sites several times faster and, as a result, reduce costs for our customers.

For example, the development of a review site with dozens of categories, detailed tables for each category, a system of reviews and personal accounts, optimized for search engines, won’t take us more than three weeks.

At the same time, the niche will be analyzed and the site will be structured and fully ready to be populated (semi-automatically or manually) and to receive organic traffic from search engines.

The same applies to communities, content sites and corporate sites. Thanks to our experience and expertise, we can deliver proven solutions in a relatively short time. This is something we can’t do, for example, for online stores, which is why we don’t deal with this type of site. We can do it, of course, but why take the bread and butter of those who specialize in this area, increasing the development period, its cost and giving an untested result – we prefer to recommend colleagues who know it better than we do.

We’ll be talking more about each site type, our proven modules and various important features in our blog (subscribe to our newsletter), but for now, I invite you to read more about our website development service in the relevant section.

WordPress Sites Support

We touched on this subject at the beginning of this post. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to make a site, promote it and enjoy the results of your efforts and money for years, without doing anything more with it. The results will gradually fall until they’re lost entirely.

You can lose not only search engine positions, but also the site itself with all the information, as well as various sensitive and confidential data, which, in general, can lead to the loss of the company’s reputation on the market.

The surest way to avoid such problems is not to neglect the following aspects, which can be assigned to website maintenance:

  • absence of vulnerabilities in forms and in the site as a whole ;
  • regular updating of plugins, theme and WordPress itself;
  • up-to-date company information (services, contacts, etc.);
  • regular addition of new thematic content;
  • regular file and database backups;
  • appropriate caching and anti-attack protection;
  • image, CSS and JS files optimization;
  • server and site page loading speed;
  • compatibility with different devices and browsers;
  • 24/7 site availability, HTTPS availability, etc.

We’ll talk more about all of this in the following articles. And all this, of course, requires an investment of money, time and effort, but try to consider this requirement (this is the right word) from the following sides:

  1. How much profit, investment, effort and energy you’ll lose if disaster strikes overnight. How much money, effort and time will you spend to restore your results and, in the worst case, your reputation.
  2. How much more money can you make when, by paying regular attention to these simple points, you get more traffic from search engines, more conversions of visitors into buyers. Because you’re bound to beat at least a few competitors who neglect these aspects and sooner or later will face the problems described above – it’s just a matter of time.

One way or another, your investment will pay off. Just like regular health check-ups and keeping fit – it’s a routine, you don’t always want to do it, but it reduces risk and improves your life quality (it’s also said to have an impact on lifespan).

For us, website maintenance is a pleasant routine and we’ll be happy to do it for your website too, especially as all processes are fine-tuned and we have great expertise in all aspects, saving you money and time. I invite you to take a look at our website maintenance service (on the page, you’ll find detailed descriptions in the corresponding tabs).


In conclusion, I wish your sites good health, high search engine rankings and good conversions. And to you, high profits and quality customers, whatever your field of activity is. Don’t forget that sites are a great tool for getting a steady flow of targeted customers. Exactly the ones that suit you best and for whom you have the best offer.

Subscribe to our newsletter (we only send self-written articles), leave your questions in the comments (we’ll take them into account in future articles), contact us for services or consultations (we’ll help you, we’ll give you advice). In other words, we look forward to hearing from you =)

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